
Recreate Parenting: Teen Years

Thursday, May 23 4:00 pm-5:00 pm
Fort Vancouver Ballroom

We re-created what “education” looked like for our families when we chose unschooling. We had the front-row seat for our children’s deep dives, niche interests, and got the privilege of helping to foster and facilitate their love of learning. Although it could be overwhelming, isolating, and exhausting as parenting can be – our gentle, attachment, unschooling approach made sense and worked for us!

But what happens when your kids start telling you that they need…more?

This talk is going to discuss the sometimes-bewildering territory of supporting teenagers who know they are ready for growth but…

*lack the confidence to take action,
*don’t know how to ask for help,
*want your help but want you to be hands off,
*seem paralyzed or up to their necks in anxiety, and/or
*blame you or their upbringing for their struggles.

When your teenagers start to express a craving for experiences or knowledge that go beyond what you can directly provide, it can be extra difficult for parents who aren't following the mainstream path.

It’s time to Recreate Parenting all over again.

I’m a licensed therapist and grown unschooler who works with families who don’t fit the mold. I’ll be sharing my professional and personal experiences with how to help you help your teens move confidently through their expanding world.


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